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Εργαλεία Θεμάτων Τρόποι εμφάνισης
Traffic Fines
Παλιά 17-06-05, 14:26
hrabiadrykula Offline:
Εγγραφή: 17-06-2005
Μηνύματα: 4
Ευχαρίστησε: 0
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 0 φορές σε 0 μηνύματα
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hrabiadrykula είναι σε έναν διακεκριμένο δρόμο
Traffic Fines

Hi I'm new to this forum

Luckily I've managed to get through the registration (everywhere it looks the same ), though I don't speak Greek at all.

I'm a Corolla e11 user from Poland.

Actually I've got one question: Is there an official "price-list" of traffic fines in Greece (in English of course). If not, could you write some examples of such fines to me? (speed limits, crossing double line, forbidden passing by, not stopping at "stop" sign etc.) You know - just what can happen to me during vacations Best via an e-mail (hrabiadrykula at gazeta.pl), because it is a little bit difficult to navigate through your forum.

Last but not least: I hope I've posted it in right place (thread for different disscusions). If not - I'm sorry (my poor greek skills again)

Greetings from Poland
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Re: Traffic Fines
Παλιά 17-06-05, 15:28
Το avatar του χρήστη DjBac
DjBac Offline:
Εγγραφή: 18-11-2003
Μοντέλο: BMW Z4
Περιοχή: Βούλα
Ηλικία: 41 male
Μηνύματα: 2.406
Ευχαρίστησε: 0
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 0 φορές σε 0 μηνύματα
Δύναμη Σεβασμού: 498
DjBac είναι σε έναν διακεκριμένο δρόμο
Re: Traffic Fines

Hello there!!

To make your life easier you could always use http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/ as a web page translator... pc

Z4 3.0i SMG
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Re: Traffic Fines
Παλιά 20-06-05, 10:47
Το avatar του χρήστη Fanis
Fanis Offline:

Εγγραφή: 21-10-2003
Μοντέλο: LEXUS IS 200
Περιοχή: Nikaia
Ηλικία: 52 male
Μηνύματα: 4.505
Ευχαρίστησε: 1
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 1 φορές σε 1 μηνύματα
Δύναμη Σεβασμού: 10
Fanis είναι ένας φάρος φωτός Fanis είναι ένας φάρος φωτός Fanis είναι ένας φάρος φωτός Fanis είναι ένας φάρος φωτός Fanis είναι ένας φάρος φωτός Fanis είναι ένας φάρος φωτός
Re: Traffic Fines

AUTHORISATION of CIRCULATION that it does not bring with him 17..
AUTHORISATION of CIRCULATION of motor cycles lack etc 83. .
AUTHORISATION of CIRCULATION of bicycles lack 17. .
AUTHORISATION of CONTROL that it does not bring with him 17. .
AUTHORISATION of CONTROL that has expired 83. on the spot Authorisation of control
REFLECTORS lack in automotive 33. .
INVERSION in Motorways, Rapid, Tunnels 167. .
OPPOSITE current of circulation - movement 83. .
DIRECT NEED vehicles - priority 33.5.
INVENTORY - CLASSIFICATION of vehicles 167. Immobilisation
DISTANCE of SAFETY from being ahead 33. .
INSURANCE POLICY that it does not bring with him 17. .
INSURANCE POLICY - deprival Plime'llima. on the spot Elements of circulation of vehicle + Authorisation of control
--- V ---
VRADYPOREJA hwrj's apohrw'nta lo'go 33. .
--- G ---
GLASSES of SIGHT of drivers, time etc 83. .
GLASSES at wind djkykljstw'n, time 83. .
--- D ---
RING movement inside the small 83. .
RIGHT Band NOT control in this 33. .
DJAGRAMMJSEJS of paving violation (article 5 § 8th, b, g, st) 167.7.
DJAGRAMMJSEJS of paving violation (article 5 § 9) 83.5.
DJAGRAMMJSEJS of paving Yellow (article 5 remaining) 33.3.
DIMENSIONS of Vehicles 334 Administrative fine Authorisation of control
--- E ---
SPECIAL Cover of Lorries (minus latomjkw'n products) 33. . (only!!!)
SPECIAL rules for drivers two-wheeled 33. . MANOEUVRES of vehicles - rules 33. .
MANOEUVRES continuous or djakekome'noys with danger 167.7.
TYRES without accretion, inadequately 33. .
ATTRACTION of vehicles - dangerous 33. .
OBSTACLES of paving, rules of bypass 33. .
OBSTACLE from driver without are taken measures 83. .
ELEMENTS of generally vehicles - lack 33. . INVESTORS of safety not use in road 33. .
DECELERATION abrupt without reason and warning 17. .
PASSENGERS transport supernumerary 33. .
--- Z ---
AREAS not use by driver, passengers 83.3.
AREAS of SAFETY, lack 83. .
ANIMALS - FLOCKS - AGELLES, movement of these with driver 17. .
--- I ---
ELECTRIC system ayt /, lack 33. .
SOUND bodies, lack 33. .
SOUND warnings, pointless use 17.3.
--- C ---
DOORS opening without control 17. .
--- K ---
MOBILE telephone, use at control 33. .
DIRECTION change, antjkanonjki' 33. .
HELMET not use by driver, passenger 83 3 . second noymero they is point system
--- L ---
LEWFOREJODROMOS paravj'asi 83.3.
--- M ---
MECHANISMS - Elements - Appliances ayt/the 33. .
MECI odigw'n apo' 0,50 e'ws 0,80 tojs hjlj'ojs 83.3.
INTOXICATION of Drivers from 0,80 until 1,10 tojs hjlj'ojs 167.5 on the spot Authorisation of control
INTOXICATION of Drivers a'nw the 1,10 tojs hjlj'ojs - Plime'llima 668 Administrative fine - 7 on the spot Authorisation of control
ONE WAY ROAD, opposite control 83.7.
TRANSPORT of minor until 5 years with two-wheeled 33.3.
--- N ---
NEW Driver without signal of recognition 17. .
--- O ---
CONTROL without prudence and attention 83.3.
CONTROL for demonstration and aytoshe'djoj fights 167.7 on the spot Elements of circulation of vehicle + Authorisation of control
DRIVER that does not have control and monitoring of vehicle 33.5.
RECOIL in Ayt/streets and Rapid kykl/rj'as 83.5.
RECOIL in other roads 33.3.
VISIBILITY field insufficient for driver 33. .
VISIBILITY of driver limited under loading 33. .
--- P ---
HARASSMENT with ejection of waters, dust, etc 33. . PAUSE of circulation of vehicle. Not statement inside 2mi'noy 33. .
PEDESTRIANS of circulation rules 17. .
RESTRICTIVE Metres of circulation minus Lorries 83. Immobilisation
PLATES kykoforj'as, it does not bring also the two 33. .
NUMBER PLATES of vehicles, no visible 33. .
PROSPERASMA antjkanonjko' 167.5.
OVERTAKING Rules 33.3.
ADDITIONAL Bumpers etc 33. .
PRIORITY of Means of Mass Transport by Attitudes 17.3.
PRIORITY in road nodes 83.7.
PRIORITY of trohjodromjkw'n vehicles 33. .
--- R ---
REGULATING plates, violation R1 and R2 167.7.
REGULATING plates, violation R7, R8, R27, R28, R29, R45, R46, R64. 83.5.
REGULATING plates, violation Remaining 33.5.
POLLUTION of roads with reject of objects from I moved vehicle 83.3.
--- S ---
Trumpet-siren prohibition of use 33.3.
SIGNAL of discreet foreigner country in Greek Vehicle 33. .
INDICATION, violation yellow 33.3.
INDICATION, violation red 167.7.
INDICATION, violation from pedestrian 17. .
SJGASTIRAS of vehicles lack 83. on the spot Elements of circulation of vehicle
BEHAVIOR of drivers to drivers, passengers (article 12 § 7) 83.3.
BEHAVIOR of drivers to Pedestrian (article 39) 83.7.
SJDIR/Mrs crossings, violation of ihofwtejnw'n signals 167.7.
SJDIR/Mrs crossings, obligations of drivers 33.5.
QUARTERING of vehicles, R40, r70, r71, r72 61.5 Administrative fine.
QUARTERING of vehicles, R39, r41, r42, r43 33 Administrative fine.
QUARTERING in ayt/dro'moys, canteens etc (article 12 § 9) 167.5 on the spot Elements of circulation of vehicle + Authorisation of control
MEETING with on the contrary coming vehicles, Rules 33. .
APPLIANCE of restriction of speed, lack 334 Administrative fine.
APPLIANCE of restriction of speed,mi operation 33.5.
--- T ---
TAHOGRAFOS lack or intervention 334 Administrative fine - 5.
TAHOGRAFOS not operation 33.5.
SPEED until 20 km/h overshooting of limit 17. .
SPEED above 20 km/h overshooting of limit 33.3.
SPEED above 40 km/h overshooting or > 140 km/h in ayt/street, or > 130 km/h in rapid, or > 120 km/h in remaining road network 167 Administrative fine - 5 on the spot Elements of circulation of vehicle + Authorisation of control
SPEED above 60 km/h overshooting of limit Plime'llima 9 on the spot Elements of circulation of vehicle + Authorisation of control of SPEED limit not insertion in lorries - buses 33.5.
TAKOJ (wedges) Lorries, lack 33. .
TROHOPEDISIS system, cars 83. .
TROHOPEDISIS system, towed 83. .
TROHOPEDISIS system, combinations of vehicles 83. .
TROHOPEDISIS system, two-wheeled 83. .
TROHOPEDISIS system, bicycles 33. . TROHOPEDISIS system, zwila'twn 17. .
TROHOPEDISIS system, rural instruments 83. .

more in http://www.corollaclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1531
WEBSITE ADMIN τηλ 2104256663

Η διαφορα μεταξυ ενος αντρα και ενος παιδιου ειναι......το μεγεθος των παιχνιδιων..

Απάντηση με παράθεση
Παλιά 21-06-05, 14:42
hrabiadrykula Offline:
Εγγραφή: 17-06-2005
Μηνύματα: 4
Ευχαρίστησε: 0
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 0 φορές σε 0 μηνύματα
Δύναμη Σεβασμού: 0
hrabiadrykula είναι σε έναν διακεκριμένο δρόμο
Thanx for answering

Are these fines (in EUR) or just the points? I'm not quite sure if I've got the linked topic right...

Nevertheless thanks again And for the babelfish link too!
Απάντηση με παράθεση
Παλιά 21-06-05, 14:55
Το avatar του χρήστη DjBac
DjBac Offline:
Εγγραφή: 18-11-2003
Μοντέλο: BMW Z4
Περιοχή: Βούλα
Ηλικία: 41 male
Μηνύματα: 2.406
Ευχαρίστησε: 0
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 0 φορές σε 0 μηνύματα
Δύναμη Σεβασμού: 498
DjBac είναι σε έναν διακεκριμένο δρόμο
The numbers above 7-10 are fines in EUR and the others are the points... The highest limit is 25 pts..

Z4 3.0i SMG
Απάντηση με παράθεση
Παλιά 21-06-05, 17:00
hrabiadrykula Offline:
Εγγραφή: 17-06-2005
Μηνύματα: 4
Ευχαρίστησε: 0
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 0 φορές σε 0 μηνύματα
Δύναμη Σεβασμού: 0
hrabiadrykula είναι σε έναν διακεκριμένο δρόμο
OK I see I.e. PRIORITY in road nodes 83.7. - it means 83 EUR + 7 points. Right?

In Poland the limit is at 24 points - quite similiar.
Απάντηση με παράθεση
Παλιά 21-06-05, 19:00
Το avatar του χρήστη DjBac
DjBac Offline:
Εγγραφή: 18-11-2003
Μοντέλο: BMW Z4
Περιοχή: Βούλα
Ηλικία: 41 male
Μηνύματα: 2.406
Ευχαρίστησε: 0
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 0 φορές σε 0 μηνύματα
Δύναμη Σεβασμού: 498
DjBac είναι σε έναν διακεκριμένο δρόμο
I suppose yes, since this is not the best translation...
Correct me if I am wrong!!

Z4 3.0i SMG
Απάντηση με παράθεση
Παλιά 21-06-05, 20:30
hrabiadrykula Offline:
Εγγραφή: 17-06-2005
Μηνύματα: 4
Ευχαρίστησε: 0
Έχει δεχθεί ευχαριστίες 0 φορές σε 0 μηνύματα
Δύναμη Σεβασμού: 0
hrabiadrykula είναι σε έναν διακεκριμένο δρόμο
Sometimes the translation is really a little bit confusing

But now I've got a little how does it look like in Greece.

Evcharisto poli!
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