Ποια η γνώμη σας???
Έχει νόημα?
Το έχει δοκιμάσει κανείς??
Βέβαια TRD είναι αυτή... Το έχει και η C-ONE...
Πάντως σύμφωνα με τη λογική θα δουλεύει και θα έχει αποτέλεσμα!!!
It strengthens the rigidity of floor lower part, from actualizing the running which has the sense of security.
The suspension member brace regulates the wasteful movement of the suspension member twist the suspension member and the body and by connecting with the steel pipe which is strong in bend, pulls out suspension original efficiency. Especially, when the underside is strengthened, in order to pull out the efficiency to full, installing the suspension member brace is necessary. The suspension member brace supports this from body lower part the tower bar the underside and vis-a-vis supporting the body from engine compartment side. With the combined use with the tower bar, furthermore the running whose rigidity is high actualizes.
Ποια η γνώμη σας για τις αντιστρεπτικές??
Αξίζουν? Ειδικά αν υπάρχει και aftermarket ανάρτηση!!