να βγάλω τον καταλύτη ή όχι.....
λέω να τον βγάλω μπας και κάνει πιο ωραίο θόρυβο αλλά και λίγο πιο πολύ γκάζι δεν με χαλάει.
τι λέτε?
διάβασε κάπου το παρακάτω ισχύει.......?
simply cut out the catalyst and replece that with a pipe, (older versions of 4efe engine without catalyst had 99 HP, see the history of 4efe engine)
and the JR filters aren't too good for 4e-fe - my buddy from the club instaled one of this ''super filters'' to his Corolla and reduced the Power of 3 HP
the air intake system in Corollas 97-98 is really good and difficult to improve