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Επιστροφή   CorollaClub Forums > COROLLA EDITIONS > Μοτερ. > 4AGE 20v Levin

4AGE 20v Levin 1600 20V TWIN GAM VTi Silvertop & Blacktop

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AFM Trick (20v silvertop)
Παλιά 28-06-04, 19:28
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AFM Trick (20v silvertop)

Mια απλη αλλα ουσιαστικη λυση για το AFM

The AFM Trick
If you've checked out good sites on the 4A-GE, you've prob'ly noticed something about tweaking the air flow meter (AFM). So, the question is, why would you want to do that? It'll trick the ECU into thinking that there's more air going into the engine. Throttle response will increase.

NOTE: Don't expect to get big gains if you're running a stock motor. This works best with a freer-flowing engine with intake and exhaust mods and cams.

So, how do you do it?
Find the AFM. On the AE92 GT-S, it's that module on top of the air filter with a black plastic cover.
Use a sharp razor blade and cut the clear seal along the perimeter of the black plastic cover. Use a small screwdriver and pry up the cover. Make sure you don't inadvertently poke things inside of the expen$ive AFM!
You'll see a toothed wheel with a coiled tensioner spring riveted to it. This is what forces the flapper door closed. If we decrease the tension, the flapper door will swing open more for the same amount of air passing through. Neato, huh?
Wait! Before you make any adjustments, mark the clamp on the gear wheel so you have a stock reference point. If you ever need to return the AFM to the stock position, you'll need it.
Now, loosen the gear wheel clamp a little bit. Turn the gear wheel 2-5 teeth counterclockwise. Some people say 3-5 teeth, so use your own preference. I'm running it 1 tooth looser--any more and the motor loses responsiveness and power for some reason. Don't go more than 5 teeth cuz you'll just cause the engine to bog between shifts. Tighten down the gear wheel clamp.
Get some black or clear silicon caulking compound. Replace the black plastic cover, then seal it. Whatever you do, don't get white caulk--it'll attract too much attention. I used The Right Stuff because it was black--it must've worked because it didn't attract my SMOG inspector's attention. Try to do a clean and thorough job--you DO NOT want crap or moisture getting into the AFM assembly.
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Όνομα:  ae92gts_afm.jpg
Εμφανίσεις:  41
Μέγεθος:  48,2 KB  
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